Python and GUI

Peter Decker pydecker at
Mon May 21 17:30:10 EDT 2007

On 5/21/07, Paul McNett <p at> wrote:

> Shameless plug: consider using Dabo on top of wxPython - we feel it
> makes wxPython even easier and more pythonic, but admittedly there's a
> bit of a learning curve there too. Even though Dabo is a full
> application framework originally meant for desktop database
> applications, it is modular and you can choose to only use the UI
> bits...

I second this. I used (and struggled!) with wxPython for over a year.
The results were great, but I hated coding it. I switched to the Dabo
UI wrapper, and stuff that used to take me a day to create is now done
in an hour or two.


# p.d.

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