Is PEP-8 a Code or More of a Guideline?

BJörn Lindqvist bjourne at
Tue May 29 04:16:38 EDT 2007

On 5/29/07, Eric S. Johansson <esj at> wrote:
> A huge reason why this is important because the vast majority of software
> developers who are injured fall off the economic ladder.  They leave the
> profession and had very few options for work that doesn't involve significant
> handy is.  The last time I looked at the numbers, in the US somewhere north of
> 60,000 developers per year are injured.  Some recover (kind of). Others, like I

I'm curious, where did you get that statistic? Assuming the US hosts
no more than 6M developers, then 60,000 is >=1% which is an alarming

mvh Björn

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