interpreting glyph outlines from ttfquery?

swiftset swiftset at
Thu Mar 22 02:41:25 EDT 2007

I'm try to convert a glyph into a format I can easily numerically
manipulate. So far I've figured out how to use ttfquery to get a list
that represents the outline of a contour in a glyph:

from ttfquery import describe, glyphquery, glyph
f = describe.openFont("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/
n = glyphquery.glyphName(f, 'D')
g = glyph.Glyph(n)
c = g.calculateContours(f)
o = glyph.decomposeOutline(c[1])

o looks like:

[array([182,  82],'s'),
(354, 82),
(420.22222222222229, 90.000000000000014),
(474.88888888888891, 114.0), ...,
array([182,  82],'s'),
array([182,  82],'s')]

Is this a polyline?


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