MS SQL Database connection

Tim Golden mail at
Mon Mar 5 04:44:31 EST 2007

Hitesh wrote:
> Hi currently I am using DNS and ODBC to connect to MS SQL database.
> Is there any other non-dns way to connect? If I want to run my script
> from different server  I first have to create the DNS in win2k3.

Here are several ways to connect to an MSSQL database w/o
having to create "DNS" or anything else in win2k3 ;)

There are other ways (the slightly stale MSSQL module
from Object Craft, for example, which still works fine
for Python <= 2.3).


def adodbapi_connection (server, database, username, password):
   import adodbapi
   connectors = ["Provider=SQLOLEDB"]
   connectors.append ("Data Source=%s" % server)
   connectors.append ("Initial Catalog=%s" % database)
   if username:
       connectors.append ("User Id=%s" % username)
       connectors.append ("Password=%s" % password)
       connectors.append("Integrated Security=SSPI")
   return adodbapi.connect (";".join (connectors))

def pymssql_connection (server, database, username, password):
   import pymssql
   if not username:
     raise RuntimeError, "Unable to use NT authentication for pymssql"
   return pymssql.connect (user=username, password=password, 
host=server, database=database)

def pyodbc_connection (server, database, username, password):
   import pyodbc
   connectors = ["Driver={SQL Server}"]
   connectors.append ("Server=%s" % server)
   connectors.append ("Database=%s" % database)
   if username:
       connectors.append ("UID=%s" % username)
       connectors.append ("PWD=%s" % password)
       connectors.append ("TrustedConnection=Yes")
   return pyodbc.connect (";".join (connectors))


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