Starting Python... some questions

jezzzz . jezonthenet at
Tue Mar 13 02:13:37 EDT 2007

Jordan, Thinker, Steven,

Thanks for your responses. Makes more sense now! I can run my program from the console.

I added the self parameter to the the chassis_id function, however I now have a problem and question regarding encoding MAC addresses for a struct. What string format am I supposed to use?

Also, I think I will get rid of Scapy in my small program. Any references I can use to easily send (no need to receive) a packet with a Layer 1 and 2 only? (i.e. only Ethernet and LLDP - no need for IP, UDP, TCP etc. I wish to create something like Ethernet | LLDP msg1 | LLDP msg2 | ... | LLDP msgn)


This is what I got now:


import scapy

import struct

class lldp_class:

    def __init__(self):

        self.chassis_id_tlv = None


    def chassis_id(self, subtype, chassis_info):

        if subtype == 4:

            chassis_data = struct.pack("!B",chassis_info)

        subtype_data = struct.pack("!B",subtype)

        self.chassis_id_tlv = subtype_data + chassis_data

def __main__():

    p = lldp_class()

    p.chassis_id(4, "01:80:C2:00:00:0E")

    payload = p.chassis_id_tlv

    ether = scapy.Ether(dst="01:02:03:04:05:06")

    fullpayload = ether + payload



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