Why doesnt __getattr__ with decorator dont call __get_method in decorator

glomde tbrkic at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 28 10:28:15 EDT 2007


I tried to write a decorator for that should be for methods but for
some reasons
it doens seem to work when you try to do it on the __getattr__ method
in a class.
Could anybody give some hints why this is?

class decoratorTest(object):
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
        print "__get__", instance
        self.instance = instance
        return self

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
        return self.func(self.instance, *args, **kwds)

class MyClass1(object):

    def decoratorTestFunc(self):
        print "hello1"

    def __getattr__(self,name):
        print "hello2"

a = MyClass1()
a.decoratorTestFunc() # This works since the __get__ method is called
and the instance is retreived
a.test # This doesnt call the __get__ !!!

__get__ <__main__.MyClass1 object at 0x4012baac>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tonib/test.py", line 27, in ?
  File "/home/tonib/test.py", line 12, in __call__
    return self.func(self.instance, *args, **kwds)
AttributeError: 'decoratorTest' object has no attribute 'instance'

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