Sorting a multidimensional array by multiple keys

Rehceb Rotkiv rehceb at no.spam.plz
Sat Mar 31 09:42:12 EDT 2007

> If you want a good answer you have to give me/us more details, and an
> example too.

OK, here is some example data:

reaction is BUT by the
sodium , BUT it is
sea , BUT it is
this manner BUT the dissolved
pattern , BUT it is
rapid , BUT it is

As each line consists of 5 words, I would break up the data into an array 
of five-field-arrays (Would you use lists or tuples or a combination in 
Python?). The word "BUT" would be in the middle, with two fields/words 
left and two fields/words right of it. I then want to sort this list by

- field 3
- field 4
- field 1
- field 0

in this hierarchy. This is the desired result:  

pattern , BUT it is
rapid , BUT it is
sea , BUT it is
sodium , BUT it is
reaction is BUT by the
this manner BUT the dissolved

The first 4 lines all could not be sorted by fields 3 & 4, as they are 
identical ("it", "is"), so they have been sorted first by field 1 (which 
is also identical: ",") and then by field 0:


I hope I have explained this in an understandable way. It would be cool 
if you could show me how this can be done in Python!


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