PDB does not allow jumping to first statement?

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Tue Mar 27 03:34:30 EDT 2007

"Chris Lasher" <chris.lasher at gmail.com> wrote:

> I noticed that I absolutely cannot jump back to the first statement
> (line 3, "a = 1") using the jump command. I can jump to any other line
> BUT the first statement's using the "jump <line number>" command. I
> experience the same behavior with Winpdb and rpdb2. Why is this?

Which version of Python, and what happens when you try it?

It works fine for me with Python 2.5 on Windows:

C:\Temp>\python25\python -m pdb t.py
> c:\temp\t.py(3)<module>()
-> a = 1
(Pdb) s
> c:\temp\t.py(4)<module>()
-> b = 2
(Pdb) j 3
> c:\temp\t.py(3)<module>()
-> a = 1

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