os.wait() for Windows

Damien Byrne damobyrne2002 at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 20 11:32:32 EDT 2007


I am new to python. I am using the os module to run a command in a 
bashshell. However I need this process to complete before continuing. Is 
there a command that will wait for this process to complete? I am using 
Windows XP and the os.wait() command only works for UNIX systems, and 
therefore doesn't work.

My code is as follows:

import os
FileName = raw_input('Enter the file name: ')
os.system('abaqus job=FileName')
resultsFile = open('FileName.dat','r')

Abaqus will take a few minutes to complete and create the associated results 
file. However once I run this code I get the following error ... "IOError: 
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'FileName.dat'" ... as the file does 
not exist yet. Is there any way of waiting for the job to complete before 

I'd appreciate any help.

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