ZSI, SOAP and .NET web services - problem

Jaroslaw Zabiello hipertracker at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 12:54:31 EDT 2007

I try to connect to web services (written in C#/.NET) with latest ZSI
2.0rc3 library. It just does not work.

from ZSI.ServiceProxy import ServiceProxy 
wsdl = '' 
print ServiceProxy(wsdl, tracefile=sys.stdout) 

line 1116, in getAddressBinding 
WSDLError: No address binding found in port. 

This pythonic library must be stupid, because I have no problem to connect
with... Ruby:

require 'soap/wsdlDriver'
require 'rexml/document'
wsdl = ''
soap = SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new(wsdl).create_rpc_driver
#soap.wiredump_file_base = 'soapresult'
p soap.templateInsert('')

It is a shame why Python still has so poor SOAP implementation. Ruby has
SOAP in *standard library*, Python - not. Even PHP5 has very good SOAP
library built in. 

I tried to use different library - SOAPpy, but I couldn't. It requires
fpconst library which cannot be installed because its server does not
respond at all. What a shit...

Why nobody wants to add SOAP to standard Python library? XML-RPC was added
and it works without any problems.

Jarosław Zabiełło

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