Shed Skin Python-to-C++ Compiler 0.0.21, Help needed

Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-mail-0306.20.chr0n0ss at
Sat Mar 31 17:14:49 EDT 2007

skip at wrote:

> Why are you taking potshots at Mark? 

What suggests that I'm "taking potshots" at Mark?

> He's maybe onto something and he's asking for help.  If he can
> generate efficient C++ code from implicitly statically type Python
> it stands to reason that he can take advantage of the compiler's
> optimization facilities. 

Yes, compilers do output optimized machine code. But generally
calling that code "highly optimized" is, IMHO, exaggeration.



BOFH excuse #426:

internet is needed to catch the etherbunny

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