Communicating with a DLL under Linux

jkn jkn_gg at
Tue Mar 13 14:02:09 EDT 2007

Hi Mikael
    It is probably worth you finding out more about the specific
Hardware that Velleman use for this kit. Depending on the chip
manufacturer, there may be more or less support already available. For
instance, I have recently been communicating with the FTDI USB chips
under windows. There is a PyUSB module which might help you do
something similar, and the FTDI website has quite a lot of

As it turns out, I didn't use PyUSB - for reasons connected with the
version number of Python and annoying things like that (aside - has
anyone got PyUSB compiled for 2.5?). I developed my own pure python
interface to the FTDI chips DLL, using ctypes. So yes, this can be
done. I think you'd be on quite a learning curve for this, from what
you say, but don't let that put you off! Unfortunately I can't share
my code with you, but just knowing that it can be done is sometimes a

FTDI make some evaluation boards for their USB chips and you might
consider going that route... BTW. No
connection, just a customer/developer.

    jon N

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