How do you htmlentities in Python

Thomas Jollans thomas at
Mon Jun 4 12:14:56 EDT 2007

"Adam Atlas" <adam at> wrote in message 
news:1180965792.757685.132580 at
> As far as I know, there isn't a standard idiom to do this, but it's
> still a one-liner. Untested, but I think this should work:
> import re
> from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
> def htmlentitydecode(s):
>    return re.sub('&(%s);' % '|'.join(name2codepoint), lambda m:
>         name2codepoint[], s)

'&(%s);' won't quite work: HTML (and, I assume, SGML, but not XHTML being 
XML) allows you to skip the semicolon after the entity if it's followed by a 
white space (IIRC). Should this be respected, it looks more like this: 

Also, this completely ignores non-name entities as also found in XML. (eg 
%x20; for ' ' or so) Maybe some part of the HTMLParser module is useful, I 
wouldn't know. IMHO, these particular batteries aren't too commonly needed.

Thomas Jollans 

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