Using a switch-like if/else construct versus a dictionary?

Nick Craig-Wood nick at
Tue Jun 19 17:30:05 EDT 2007

asincero <asincero at> wrote:
>  Which is better: using an if/else construct to simulate a C switch or
>  use a dictionary?  Example:

Here is a technique I've used a lot.  I think I learnt it from "Dive
into Python"

    class foo(object):
        def do_1(self):
            print "I'm 1"
        def do_2(self):
            print "I'm 2"
        def do_3(self):
            print "I'm 3"
        def do_4(self):
            print "I'm 4"
        def do_5(self):
            print "I'm 5"
        def dispatch(self, x):
           getattr(self, "do_"+str(x))()
    f = foo()

It will blow up gracelessly with an AttributeError if you pass it
something which it can't handle.  That is easy to fix.

You could name dispatch, __call__ if you wanted a slightly neater
    f = foo()

You can do the same thing in a function using locals()["do_"+str(x)]
but I always find that if I've got to that point I should be using a
class instead.

>  Note that in this situation using OO polymorphism instead of a switch-
>  like construct wouldn't be applicable, or at least I can't see how it
>  could be.

If there is a "type" or "id" in your objects and you are switching on
it, then you should be using polymorphism.  Make each seperate "type"
a seperate class type and implement the methods for each one.  All the
switches will disappear from your code like magic!

Post more details if you want more help!

Nick Craig-Wood <nick at> --

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