Python 2.5.1 - sqlite3.dll issue

Josh Ritter jritter at
Thu Jun 7 15:33:41 EDT 2007

A number of our Windows customers have an issue with the sqlite3 module 
included with Python 2.5.1

We've tracked the problem down to the sqlite3.dll included with the Python 
2.5.1 distrubtion.  It is stripped and thus cannot be relocated.  This 
causes the following exception on computers where something is already 
loaded into the address the sqlite3.dll wants to use:

File "sqlite3\__init__.pyc", line 24, in <module>
File "sqlite3\dbapi2.pyc", line 27, in <module>
ImportError: DLL load failed: Invalid access to memory location.

I downloaded the latest sqlite3.dll from and this 
fixes the problem.  (This dll isn't stripped)

-Josh Ritter
Prairie Games, Inc 

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