ftplib error- Large file

Facundo Batista facundo at taniquetil.com.ar
Thu Jun 7 11:54:44 EDT 2007

half.italian at gmail.com wrote:

> Why would storbinary throw an exception even when the file transfer
> was successful?  Why would the exception not be thrown until after the
> file was sent?  Shouldn't ftplib return something like (104,
> "Connection reset by peer") instead of throwing an error?  Is my
> reasoning off somewhere?

There was an error, the connection was reset by peer. The error code is
104. As it *was* an error, an exception is correct.

You always can hide it yourself, with try/except...


.   Facundo
Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/

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