Python & cgi on win98--tinyweb problems, etc

Kirk Bailey deliberatus at
Thu Jun 28 23:23:33 EDT 2007

RE: TinyWeb running python in windows

PROBLEM: getting python scripts to execute.
SOLUTION: Insure the script ends in the name extension .py.

Windows associates all such files with the pythonw.exe interpreter program, 
and will use it to interpret them. IT IGNORES THE SHEBANG (the first line in 
a script which in the lovely world of un*x points to the interpreter 
program). Some servers have config files to tell the server what to use. 
TinyWeb does not, and relies on windows file associations to direct it to 
the proper interpreter.

Also note that it is possible for windows to conceal name extensions in some 
configurations, and also to create name extensions it does not display, 
resulting in some interesting hair pulling evenings chasing bugs.

Also note that tinyweb checks for the existence of a default page to use if 
none is specified in an incoming request. IF YOU CHANGE THE FILE NAME AFTER 
TINY LOADS IT WILL BARK LIKE A DOG. For instance, index.htm or index.html 
are equally acceptable. You had .htm. then you decided to change it to 
.html- and the server started woofing. It thinks the file index.htm still is 
there someplace and is looking for it! If you change the file name, restart 
the server.

I used tinyweb in supporting the development of windows wiki, and in all 
that crazy alpha stage flakiness, it NOT ONCE blew out. It is BULLETPROOF.

But it is it's own strange beast, and has it's own peculiarities.

	-Kirk Bailey
          | BOX |


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