How do I remotely access Scheduled Tasks from Windows XP to Windows Server 2003?

kj7ny kj7ny at
Fri Jun 29 17:31:51 EDT 2007

How can I access and manipulate Scheduled Tasks in Windows using

I have a Windows XP workstation running Python 2.4.4 using the
win32all modules to control the windows services on multiple Windows
2003 servers.  It works great.

However, I also need to remotely collect the settings for the
scheduled tasks (on those same Windows 2003 servers) and then
manipulate those task settings.

At the very least, I need to find out which ones are enabled and then
be able to disable and re-enable those tasks at will.  It would be
better to be able to also detect the account each task runs as so that
I could only disable selected tasks, but I'll any help I can get.


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