Portable general timestamp format, not 2038-limited

sla29970 at gmail.com sla29970 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 01:39:48 EDT 2007

On Jun 25, 6:46 pm, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote:
> TAI really does seem like the most absolute--if you are a user in
> orbit or on Mars, then UTC timestamps will seem pretty meaningless and
> artificial.

TAI makes sense for clocks on the surface of the earth (at least until
ion trap clocks and picosecond intercomparison become routine, at
which point not even TAI tells what time it is for you), but clocks
off the surface of the earth tick at rates which already differ
nonlinearly from TAI by measurable amounts.

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