The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

kaens apatheticagnostic at
Tue Jun 26 02:37:37 EDT 2007

. A live CD might make that less
> of an issue, though it would still be a pain if you had to keep using
> it as a workaround for days while waiting for a mailing list or usenet
> response explaining what the f*#! "bad zixflob in fuzzwangle.rc,
> aborting" meant and how to fix it, especially as a system-wide search
> didn't turn up any files named "fuzzwangle.rc" -- or whatever the
> problem was. :)

If you've used linux for any period of time and made an effort to
learn how it works, you'll know that "bad zixflob in fuzzwangle.rc"
means exactly that (the error probably has a line number as well)

You might have to wait for a mailing list reply, but it'd be a lot
easier to just look up what fuzzwangle.rc expects (through the
internet, manpages, /usr/doc or possibly in /etc, or most likely in
the top few lines of fuzzwangle.rc) and fix it.

You can't have a bad line in fuzzwangle.rc if it doesn't exist. It
exists, you may just not know where (there's lots of ways to find

It's a matter of knowing your OS, whether that's windows or linux, or
whatever. I still have no idea where to find docs for some things in
windows. In linux, I know where to find the documentation for just
about anything I could ever want to do, and sometimes that
documentation is source code - and that's fine with me.

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