Dispatching a method using PyobjC Selectors/Methods

sapsi saptarshi.guha at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 03:51:54 EDT 2007

I am writing a SIMBL plugin for Mail.app, so far it loads and the
correct method has been swizzled. However, i would like to call the
original method and that is where the problem lies.

If you could see the code(below), in console.app, i get the following
error because of old(x)
2007-06-26 03:42:04.053 Mail[2600] *** NSRunLoop ignoring exception
'exceptions.TypeError: 'int' object is not callable' that raised
during posting of delayed perform with target 5bd1b10 and selector

#saved as MailDump.py
import objc
from Foundation import *
from AppKit import *
WebMessageEditor = objc.lookUpClass('WebMessageEditor')
swizzled = {}
def swizzle(cls, SEL, func):
    oldIMP = cls.instanceMethodForSelector_(SEL)
    oldMethod = objc.selector(oldIMP.__call__,
selector=oldIMP.selector, signature=oldIMP.signature)
    newMethod = objc.selector(func, selector=oldIMP.selector,
    objc.classAddMethod(cls, 'OLD'+SEL, oldMethod)
    objc.classAddMethod(cls, SEL, newMethod)
    swizzled[(cls, SEL, func)] = (oldMethod, newMethod, oldIMP)
def updateContentsToShowSignature_(self,x):

class MWM(NSObject):
    plugin = None # We will retain a pointer to the plugin to prevent
it being garbage-collected
    def sharedInstance(cls): # not strictly necessary, but we only
need one instance of our object
        if not cls.plugin:
            cls.plugin = cls.alloc().init()
        return cls.plugin

    def initialize(cls):
'updateContentsToShowSignature:', updateContentsToShowSignature_)

# from distutils.core import setup
# import py2app
# plist = dict(
#     NSPrincipalClass='MWM',
#     CFBundleName='MWM',
#     SIMBLTargetApplications=[dict(BundleIdentifier='com.apple.mail',
MinBundleVersion='000', MaxBundleVersion='999920')],
# )

# setup(
#     plugin=['MailDump.py'],
#     options=dict(py2app=dict(
#         extension='.bundle',
#         plist=plist,
#     )),
# )
#Run the following
#python2.4 setup.py py2app -A
#and copy the dist/MailDump.bundle to ~/Library/Application Support/

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