Properties for modules?

Ed Leafe ed at
Mon Jun 11 17:35:00 EDT 2007

	I have a simple module that reads in values from disk when imported,  
and stores them in attributes, allowing for code like:

 >>> import moduleFoo
 >>> print moduleFoo.someSetting
'the value'

	What I'd like to do is have a more property-like behavior, so that  
if they try to set the value of moduleFoo.someSetting, it also  
persists it to disk. But properties are really only useful in  
instances of classes; if I define 'someSetting' as a property at the  
module level, I get:

 >>> import moduleFoo
 >>> print moduleFoo.someSetting
<property object at 0x78a990>

	Does anyone know any good tricks for getting property-like behavior  

-- Ed Leafe

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