read xml file from compressed file using gzip

flebber flebber.crue at
Fri Jun 8 00:59:44 EDT 2007

I was working at creating a simple program that would read the content
of a playlist file( in this case *.k3b") and write it out . the
compressed "*.k3b" file has two file and the one I was trying to read
was maindata.xml . I cannot however seem to use the gzip module
correctly. Have tried the program 2 ways for no success, any ideas
would be appreciated.

Attempt 1


import os
import gzip
playlist_file = open('/home/flebber/oddalt.k3b')
class GzipFile([playlist_file[decompress[9, 'rb']]]);


for line in maindata.xml:
	print line


Attempt 2 - largely just trying to get gzip to work


import gzip
fileObj = Gzipfile("/home/flebber/oddalt.k3b", 'rb');
fileContent =
for line in filecontent:
    print line


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