lists - append - unique and sorted

Steve Howell showell30 at
Wed Jun 6 19:58:36 EDT 2007

--- Neil Cerutti <horpner at> wrote:
> i agree that using bisect and inserting manually
> clearly meets
> the stated requirements, while there isn't enough
> information to
> know if a heapq will meet his requirements.
> Thanks for the correction.

If the OP is still reading, don't disregard heapq too

Heapq will perform much better for a large enough data
set, if the only thing that you eventually want to do
is occasionally pop off the first item or items in the
list.  One could even argue that it's a pretty rare
situation that you go through the trouble of keeping a
list sorted, only to occasionally randomly access the

One more caveat--apart from the more constrained
semantics, heaps have the disadvantage of actually
being slower for a small enough dataset.  I haven't
measured this particular scenario, but any complicated
data structure usually loses out to a simple data
structure for small data sets, but as you get larger
and larger data sets, the more sophisticated data
structure begins to have big wins.

A typical use of heapq is for keeping a priority
queue.  See in the standard library for a
pretty simple and well commented example.

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