The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

Xah Lee xah at
Tue Jun 19 13:01:35 EDT 2007

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about The Modernization of

They are slightly lengthy, so i've separated each item per post. The
whole article can be found at

Q: The Terminology “buffer” and “keybinding” is good as they are.

A: The terminology “buffer” or “keybinding”, are technical terms
having to do with software programing. The term “keybinding” refers to
the association of a keystroke with a command in a technical, software
application programing context. That is to say, a programer “bind” a
keystroke to a command in a software application. The term “buffer”
refers to a abstract, temporary area for storing data, in the context
of programing or computer science.

These terms are irrelevant to the users of a software application.

As a user of a text editor, he works with files. The terms “opened
file” or “untitled file” are more appropriate than “buffer”. Since
emacs is also used for many things beside reading files or writing to
files, for example, file management, ftp/sftp, shell, email, irc etc.,
the proper term can be “panel”, “window”, or “work area”.

And, the term “keyboard shortcut” refers to typing of a key-
combination to activate a command. It is also more appropriate than
“binding” or “keybinding”.

Although concepts like “buffer” and “keybinding” are seemingly
interchangeable with “panel” or “keyboard shortcut”, but their
contexts set them apart. This is why in all modern software
application's user documentations, terms like “buffer” or “keybinding”
are not to be seen but “windows, panes, and keyboard shortcuts”.

The reason emacs uses the technical terminologies throughout is
because when emacs started in the 1970s, there really isn't any other
text editors or even software applications. And, Emacs users consists
of solely computer scientists and programers, and there are not many.

Changes in society are always resisted by old timers, but it is also a
main element behind progress. This terminology issue may seem trivial,
but its importance lies in making emacs palpable to the vast number of
people who ever need to use a computer to write.

  xah at xahlee.org

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