how can I get the name of a method inside it?

Alex Martelli aleax at
Sun Jun 3 15:47:56 EDT 2007

"Sébastien Vincent" <sebastien_nimp73<@> wrote:

> I would like to know if it's possible to retrieve the name of a method when
> you're inside it. For example, in the following script, I would like to
> assign _s so that it prints "you are in method1".
> ***************************************
> class Obj1:
>     def __init__(self):
>         ...
>     def method1(self):
>         _s = ???
>         print "you are in %s" % _s

For debugging purposes,

  _s = sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name

should work (after you've done an "import sys" somewhere appropriate, of
course;-).  The _ in front of _getframe, as well as the klunkiness of it
all, are all indications that this is _not_ recommended for "production
use" -- like most of Python's introspection features, it IS chiefly
meant for debugging purposes.


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