The Modernization of Emacs: terminology buffer and keybinding

Andreas Eder andreas_eder at
Thu Jun 28 05:26:42 EDT 2007

Hi Twisted,

>>>>> "Twisted" == Twisted  <twisted0n3 at> writes:

    Twisted> Let me get this straight.

    Twisted> In this corner, we have just about every Windows application ever
    Twisted> developed. When a user needs help, a click on the "help" menu or tap
    Twisted> of the F1 key is all it takes to obtain some. Sometimes the help is
    Twisted> not of the greatest quality, but that is another issue we won't
    Twisted> concern ourselves with here.

Almost always when I really needed help in Windows, all it said
was: go ask your system administrator. Really helpful :-(

    Twisted> In the other corner, we have just about every Unix application ever
    Twisted> developed. When a user needs help, they may do such things as manually
    Twisted> explore the directories where the application was installed
    Twisted> (equivalent to rooting around in C:\Program Files\Appname for .hlp
    Twisted> files, because F1 didn't work and there was no "help" menu, if such a
    Twisted> thing ever happened on Windoze). 

Ever heard of man pages? and info?

Wherever I lay my .emacs, there's my $HOME.

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