Using a switch-like if/else construct versus a dictionary?

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Wed Jun 20 04:07:30 EDT 2007

asincero <asincero at> wrote:

>    handle_case = {}
>    handle_case[1] = doCase1()
>    handle_case[2] = doCase2()
>    handle_case[3] = doCase3()
>    handle_case[4] = doCase4()
>    handle_case[5] = doCase5()
>    handle_case[c]()
If the switch values are simple integers then a list would be a more 
obvious choice:

  handle_case = [ doCase1, doCase2, doCase3, doCase4, doCase5 ]

> Note that in this situation using OO polymorphism instead of a switch-
> like construct wouldn't be applicable, or at least I can't see how it
> could be.

That is often the case when you reduce your question to a mickeymouse do 
nothing example.

There are many ways to write code that could be written using a switch 
statement. If you took a few real use-cases then you would probably each 
one needs a different technique for best effect depending on the number 
of different cases, the values which must be accessed within each case, 
the side-effects (if any) expected from handling the case etc.

The obvious options include: if/elif chain; a list or dictionary 
containing data values (not functions); a list or dict containing 
functions; command pattern (i.e. a class with a dispatch method); a 
class hierarchy and polymorphism; visitor pattern.

For an example of the last of these see
which uses decorators to produce a very clean implementation using (I 
think) PyProtocols dispatch.

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