Tkinter - resize tkMessageBox

Cameron Laird claird at
Tue Jun 5 17:25:20 EDT 2007

In article <1181026856.261957.207570 at>,
Glenn Hutchings  <zondo42 at> wrote:
>On 4 Jun, 21:29, rahulna... at wrote:
>> Is there a way to resize the width of the "tkMessageBox.askyesno"
>> dialog box, so that the text does not wrap to the next line.
>You can use the Tk option database, either explicitly or from a file.
>For example, to set the wrap length of all dialogs to 10 inches, try
>   root = Tk()
>   root.option_add("*Dialog.msg.wrapLength", "10i")
But that does *not* affect the MessageBoxes under MacOS and Windows, right?

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