PEP 3107 and stronger typing (note: probably a newbie question)

Paul Rubin http
Fri Jul 20 12:28:04 EDT 2007

Steve Holden <steve at> writes:
> The issue I have with correctness proofs (at least as they were
> presented in the 1980s - for all I know the claims may have become
> more realistic now) is that the proof of correctness can only relate
> to some highly-formal specification so complex that it's only
> comprehensible to computer scientists.

Just like software as it is now, is only comprehensible to
programmers.  A long while back there was a language called COBOL
designed to be comprehensible to non-programmers, and it actually did
catch on, but it was cumbersome and limited even in its time and in
its application era, not so readable to non-programmers after all, and
is not used much in new projects nowadays.

> In other words, we can never "prove" that a program does what the
> customer wants, because the semantics are communicated in different
> ways, involving a translation which, since it is necessarily performed
> by humans using natural language, will always be incomplete at best
> and inaccurate at worst.

The types of things one tries to prove are similar to what is less
formally expressed as localized test cases in traditional software.
E.g. for a sorting routine you'd want to prove that output[n+1] >=
output[n] for all n and for all inputs.  As the Intel FDIV bug
incident reminds us, even billions of test inputs are not enough to
show that the routine does the right thing for EVERY input.

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