Is it possible to run two "while 1:" loops in two threadings respectively?

zxo102 zxo102 at
Tue Jul 17 00:59:12 EDT 2007

   I would like to combine two python applications into a single one
with two threadings. Both of them have a "while 1:" loop respectively.
For example, one application is to monitoring serial port 'com1' and
another application is a TCP/IP server which has used threadings
already. I write the following demo code but it does not work right.
It stays in the first "while 1:" and never thingOne.start(). The
second threading never be started.
Any ideas?

Thanks a lot.

import threading, time
class serial_port_com1:
  def spc(self):
     i = 0
     while 1:
	print "%d: hello, I am here in spc()"%i
	i += 1

class TCP_IP:
  def tcpip(self):
     i = 0
     while 1:
	print "%d: hello, I am here in tcpip()"%i
	i += 1

class ThreadOne ( threading.Thread ):
   def run ( self ):
      print 'Thread', self.getName(), 'started.'
      time.sleep ( 5 )
      print 'Thread', self.getName(), 'ended.'

class ThreadTwo ( threading.Thread ):
   def run ( self ):
      print 'Thread', self.getName(), 'started.'
      print 'Thread', self.getName(), 'ended.'

if __name__=="__main__":
   spc  = serial_port_com1()
   tcpip = TCP_IP()
   thingOne = ThreadOne(target=spc.spc())
   thingTwo = ThreadTwo(target=tcpip.tcpip())

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