python 3.0 or 3000 it worth waiting??? Newbie Question

Alex Martelli aleax at
Tue Jul 3 11:38:21 EDT 2007

Nomad.C at <Nomad.C at> wrote:

> I'm considering learning Python...but with the python 3000 comming
> very soon, is it worth waiting for?? I know that the old style of
> coding python will run parallel with the new, but I mean, its going to
> come to an end eventually.

It will be years before Py3k is fully usable for "industrial-strength"
programming: the language itself must stabilize, then the standard
library, then third-party extensions.  And migrating from Python 2.6 to
Python 3000 will be very easy once the latter has all the 3rd party and
standard library modules you need -- just as moving from 2.5 to 2.6 will
be.  So, there's really no reason to wait: start learning Python with
2.5, the solid implementation available right now and with tons of 3rd
party extensions, tools, etc, and there will just be tiny amounts of
effort required to eventually move up a long time in the future.


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