ANN: gozerbot 0.7 released

bthate bthate at
Mon Jul 9 02:35:08 EDT 2007

here is the about:

gozerbot is a Python IRC and Jabber bot

    * a shell
    * python 2.4 or higher
    * if you want to remotely install plugins: the gnupg module
    * if you want mysql support: the py-MySQLdb module
    * if you want jabber support: the xmpppy module

Why gozerbot?

    * user management by userhost .. bot will not respond if it
doesn't know you (see /docs/USER/)
    * fleet .. use more than one bot in a program (list of bots) (see /
    * use the bot through dcc chat .. partyline
    * fetch rss feeds (see /docs/RSS/)
    * keep todo and shop lists
    * karma
    * quote
    * remember items
    * relaying between bots (see /docs/RELAY/)
    * program your own plugins (see /docs/PROGRAMPLUGIN/)
    * run the builtin webserver (see /docs/WEBSERVER/)
    * query other bots webserver via irc (see /docs/COLLECTIVE/)
    * other stuff

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