S2K DTS and Python

Phil Runciman philr at aspexconsulting.co.nz
Mon Jul 9 17:26:50 EDT 2007

Hi All,


I am a Python newbie so please be gentle on me.


I have created a program that takes text files within a directory and it
successfully parses the information from them to create 3 CSV files. 


However, I now want to update some tables in MSAccess, and it occurred
to me that because Sequel Server 2000 DTS can interface with scripting
languages that maybe I could call my first Python program from within
DTS and then update the tables using DTS. (I am learning DTS hence the


My questions are:

Has anyone used Python within DTS?

Am I off the wall trying such a thing?


With regard to the second question: IMHO Python is an elegant language
(thanks Guido) and I just want to use it wherever I can. 







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