Portable general timestamp format, not 2038-limited

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Jul 9 06:47:58 EDT 2007

En Thu, 05 Jul 2007 17:57:32 -0300, Wojtek <nowhere at a.com> escribió:

> Note: Since I am using the year 9999 as a "magic number", some of you
> may think that I am repeating the Y2K problem. Hey, if my application
> is still being used in the year 9998 I am not being paid nearly
> enough...

I would not say the code itself, but some design decisions may survive for  
a long time. Like the railroad inter-rail distance, which even for the  
newest trains, remains the same as used by Stephenson in England two  
centuries ago - and he choose the same width as used by common horse carts  
at the time. (Some people goes beyond that and say it was the same width  
as used in the Roman empire but this may be just a practical coincidence,  
no causality being involved).

Gabriel Genellina

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