Python Subprocess module

Dave Sampson samper.d at
Sat Jul 21 12:50:09 EDT 2007

Thanks for your response. It;s good to see you're promtoing Pexpect. I
was actualy wokring on a project at work that could have used Pexpect
to automate the creation of maps by tieing togethr a bunch of
processes through SSH and Pexpect looked like the money shot.

however it was enough of a battle to bring Python into the game since
it is government that bringing CYGWIN was a battle not worth
fighting.  Which is unfortunate because I think Pexpect was exactly
what we needed in that case
> You need Pexpect.

> There is nothing you can do about this when using a pipe.
> This is because stdio will change the type of buffering when sending
> stdout and stderr to a pipe. From the client side there is no way you
> can change the buffer mode (you CAN change the mode, but it only
> changes
> it on YOUR side of the pipe -- not your child application's side).

I obviously lack skills and understanding in many aspects of
programming. After all I'm a geographer / recreologist not a comp-sci

I understand the CONCEPT of pipes but don't know how to use or
implement.. the bigest things I ever do is something like

dmesg | grep wlan0

Where | is my pipe... but that is the extent of my knowledge and

Pexpect may very well be the option I need, and having a project that
supports the module is great. I am curous what is stopping Pexpect
from becoming cross platform.

Above, a user suggested implementing send keys in windows. Why not
include that as an try/except in Pexpect instead of my wrapper?  That
way it can benifit many more people?


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