Two dimensional lists

Travis Oliphant oliphant.travis at
Thu Jan 25 12:58:40 EST 2007

Laszlo Nagy wrote:
>># shouldn't I be able to fill the lists simply by pointing to a location?
>>matrix[a_idx, p_idx] = 0x219 # and so on?
> Lists are not matrices. For example:
> L = [  [1,2,3], ['a','b','c'], 10 ]
> print L[1][2] # Prints 'c', you will like this syntax but...
> print L[2][5] # TypeError: 10 is not subscriptable
> You can create a function that creates a "list of lists" filled with 
> zeros, and then use this data structure as a matrix.
> BUT! If you need to use matrices filled with numbers, try numarray:
> Numarray is much more efficient for this task.

It is also out-dated.  For new code users are strongly encouraged to use 
NumPy.  The numarray people are transitioning their own code to use 
NumPy and numarray will cease being supported at some point. --- sourceforge site.


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