"Correct" db adapter

king kikapu aboudouvas at panafonet.gr
Wed Jan 31 09:27:46 EST 2007

Hi to all,

i have started a month ago to seriously studying Python. I am now
looking at the databases stuff
and i want the opinion of more experienced Python programmers (than
me) at the following :

I see that there are a lot of databases adapters on the net, some
following the DB-API 2.0 and some others do not. I want to use a db-
module that do not tie me down to a specific database and that fully
supports DB-API 2.0
Now i am using Sql Server but who knows about tomorrow.

I started using pyodbc and looking how i can e.x. call stored
procedure with arguments and all that stuff.
This is using ODBC syntac and i found enough info on the net.

Is the approach i took the "correct" one or is there a better db-
module so i can use ?

Thanks in advance

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