Python does not play well with others

BJörn Lindqvist bjourne at
Thu Jan 25 04:08:01 EST 2007

On 1/24/07, Harry George < at> wrote:
> Python - it just works.  Same scripts run on every platform.  Bindings
> available to every C/C++/FORTRAN library I've needed so far.  Often
> the bindings are not complete, but oddly enough the binding developers
> have chosen to do just the functions I need, so who cares.  A clean
> architecture for adding more function bindings if I'm so inclined.

Although that is true on Linux, it is often not the case on Windows.
Sometimes the binding lacks a binary for the minor version of Python
you use or it depends on something which depends on something which
sometimes is only available in source form. Still, I would rather take
Python's approach than Java's.

mvh Björn

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