maximum number of threads

Ganesan Rajagopal rganesan at
Fri Jan 12 05:10:13 EST 2007

>>>>> Felipe Almeida Lessa <felipe.lessa at> writes:
>> to modify the maximum number of user process (AFAIK each thread use a
>> process entry on Linux)

> I don't think it's only this.

It isn't that at all. The default Linux POSIX threads stack size is
8MB. Linux user space is 3GB (Kernel is mapped at upper 1GB). 

382 * 8 = 3056MB.

Basically, you're running out of address space. I don't know if you have any
control at python level. In C you can call pthread_attr_setstacksize(). 


Ganesan Rajagopal

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