generate tuples from sequence

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Thu Jan 18 07:06:19 EST 2007

Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
> But still, to help my lack of fantasy -- what would a sane zip()
> implementation look like that does not guarantee the above output?

The code in zip which builds the result tuples looks (ignoring error 
handling) like:

// inside a loop building each result element...
    PyObject *next = PyTuple_New(itemsize);

    for (j = 0; j < itemsize; j++) {
        PyObject *it = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(itlist, j);
        PyObject *item = PyIter_Next(it);
        PyTuple_SET_ITEM(next, j, item);

For fixed size tuples you can create them using PyTuple_Pack. So imagine 
some world where the following code works faster for small tuples:

   // Outside the loop building the result list:
   PyObject *a, *b, *c;
   if (itemsize >= 1 && itemsize <= 3) a = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(...);
   if (itemsize >= 2 && itemsize <= 3) b = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(...);
   if (itemsize == 3) c = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(...);

   // inside the result list loop:
   PyObject *next;
   if (itemsize==1) {
       next = PyTuple_Pack(1,
   } else if (itemsize==2) {
       next = PyTuple_Pack(2,
   } else if (itemsize==2) {
       next = PyTuple_Pack(3,
   } else {
       next = PyTuple_New(itemsize);

       for (j = 0; j < itemsize; j++) {
           PyObject *it = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(itlist, j);
           PyObject *item = PyIter_Next(it);
           PyTuple_SET_ITEM(next, j, item);

If compiled on a system where the stack grows downwards (as it often does) 
the C compiler is very likely to evaluate function arguments in reverse 

(BTW, this also assumes that it's an implementation which uses exceptions 
or something for error handling otherwise you probably can't get it right, 
but maybe something like IronPython could end up with code like this.)

Or maybe if someone added PyTuple_Pack1, PyTuple_Pack2, PyTuple_Pack3 
functions which grab their memory off a separate free list for each tuple 
length. That might speed up the time to create the tuples as you might be 
able to just reset the content not rebuild the object each time. Again that 
could make code like the above run more quickly.

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