sqlobject 0.8.0b1 and python 2.5

Jan Dries jan.dries at dcube-resource.be
Sat Jan 13 19:22:54 EST 2007

Daniel Nogradi wrote:
> Since I'm starting to use sqlobject right now, if there is a
> similar ORM tool that is comparable but up to date and actively
> developed, that would be an option too. (Things like SQLAlchemy are
> waaaay to complicated and complex for my needs. :))

Perhaps not really an answer to your question, but is SQLAlchemy really 
so much more complicated than SQLObject?
I've been using SQLObject a lot the past few years, but have recently 
migrated some of my code to SQLAlchemy for various reasons: it's much 
better documented, has more features, performs better and at least seems 
to be more actively developed.
My conclusion was that I had to make very little changes to make my 
SQLObject code work with SQLAlchemy. Defining your classes/tables is 
more verbose, but still straightforward. And by using the proper 
defaults and things like assign_mapper, actual use of SQLAlchemy comes 
very close to SQLObject.


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