code optimization (calc PI) / New Algorithme for PI

Nick Craig-Wood nick at
Fri Jan 5 05:30:04 EST 2007

Michael M. <michael at> wrote:
>  Yes, this "gmpy" sounds good for calc things like that.
>  But not available on my machine.
>  ImportError: No module named gmpy

Sorry, I should have said - you'll need to download that from

>  Anyway, thanks for posting. This gmpy module can be very intersting.
>  But right now, the focus was, if it's possible to translate a strange C 
>  code into Python. And it is. Sure ;-)
>  Maybe, someone can also translate a very simple algorithm for calc a 
>  range of PI in Python. (Available Code for C.)

Here are some more pi calculation methods.  You'll need the FixedPoint
class in my last posting, or you cah use gmpy mpf~s also.

_1 = FixedPoint(1)
# or
_1 = gmpy.mpf(1, bits)
# or (for testing)
_1 = 1.0

_3 = _1 * 3

def arctan(x):
    Calculate arctan(x)
    arctan(x) = x - x**3/3 + x**5/5 - ... (-1 <= x <= 1)
    total = x
    power = x
    divisor = 1
    old_delta = None
    while 1:
        power *= x
        power *= x
        power = -power
        divisor += 2
        old_total = total
        total += power / divisor
        delta = abs(total - old_total)
        if old_delta is not None and delta >= old_delta:
        old_delta = delta
    return total

def pi_machin():
    return 4*(4*arctan(_1/5) - arctan(_1/239))

def pi_ferguson():
    return 4*(3*arctan(_1/4) + arctan(_1/20) + arctan(_1/1985))

def pi_hutton():
    return 4*(2*arctan(_1/3) + arctan(_1/7))

def pi_gauss():
    return 4*(12*arctan(_1/18) + 8*arctan(_1/57) - 5*arctan(_1/239))

def pi_euler():
    return 4*(5*arctan(_1/7) + 2*arctan(_3/79))

Nick Craig-Wood <nick at> --

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