(newbie) Is there a way to prevent "name redundancy" in OOP ?

Martin Miller ggrp1.20.martineau at dfgh.net
Fri Jan 5 19:10:15 EST 2007

Stef Mientki wrote:
> Not sure I wrote the subject line correct,
> but the examples might explain if not clear
> *** first attempt ***
> class pin:
>    def __init__ (self):
>      self.Name  = 'Unknown Pin'
> aap = pin()             # create an instance
> aap.Name = 'aap'        # set it's name
> print aap.Name          # print it's name
> 			# but why should I set it's name ??
> print 'aap'		# I can just as well print a constant string !!
>                          # (ok there will be an extra check)

While I agree that it's likely you're confusing Python objects and
names, Python *is* an interpreted language and therefore very flexible.
Here's a snippet showing one way to remove the 'redundancy'. (Be
forewarned that doing things like this is highly distasteful to some

### non-redundant example ###
import sys

class Pin:
    def __init__(self, name, namespace=None):
        self.name = name
        if namespace == None:
            # default to caller's globals
            namespace = sys._getframe(1).f_globals
        namespace[name] = self

Pin('aap')       # create a Pin object named 'aap'
Pin('aap2')     # create a Pin object named 'aap2'
print aap.name
print aap2.name


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