Class data members in C

Nick Maclaren nmm1 at
Thu Jan 18 04:58:07 EST 2007

In article <mailman.2861.1169101998.32031.python-list at>,
"Hendrik van Rooyen" <mail at> writes:
|> > Oh, one of the first two - I am not bonkers!  Changing a class after
|> > instance creation is guaranteed to cause confusion, if nothing else.
|> > 
|> *grin* - its also just about impossible to do, if you try to imagine
|> what you would have to do to all instances when you effectively
|> change the __init__ method.  And some people expect it to happen
|> automagically...

Oh, it's quite easy to do, with several different semantics.  I have even
used a couple of them.  All are seriously counter-intuitive :-)

I have never used one that successfully reran initialisation, though
I have seen people attempt it!  And tried it myself ....

|> Sorry I can't be of more help. All of the docs I have read essentially
|> talk about changing instances.  From a practical point of view I would 
|> say: "Just redefine it".  But that is not very helpful. Specially if you are
|> mucking about in C, as your title suggests...

Thanks.  As someone else posted, the answer is PyDict_SetItemString
immediately after PyType_Ready.

Nick Maclaren.

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