Forking in windows. Possible?

robert no-spam at no-spam-no-spam.invalid
Mon Jan 1 07:51:51 EST 2007

dakman at wrote:
> I know under mac/*nix it's possible to fork the proccess to the
> background and exit the parent process. I have used this on a couple of
> my projects, but right now I am working on a project that will be
> required to run in the background, I have considered using the .pyw
> extension on my files, but there will be parts of the program that will
> be required to show the console. So if anyone has an ideas...
> -Thanks

"Background" has not much meaning on Win as long as not another process is waiting for return. And you obviously want to click an icon in Explorer.

If you don't need the data memory status of the current process inherited, CreateProcess would be most similar.

Then there is win32console.GetConsoleWindow , ShowWindow(SW_HIDE), win32console.AllocConsole, win32ui.CreateEdit, taskbar functions, win32service


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