Problem with win32pipe.popen2

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Mon Jan 15 19:02:35 EST 2007

At Monday 15/1/2007 07:24, diego wrote:

>I'm trying to understand how popen2 works. Found in this group, that
>popen2.popen2 can cause trouble so i chose win32pipe.popen2.
>have a look a the listing of 2 files:
>import win32pipe
>(stdin1, stdout1) = win32pipe.popen2("")
>print stdout1.readlines() # This will print the result.
>print "***a=",a
>print "finished!"
>i do not understand, why produces only following output:
>why is the stdin1.write("1\n") command ignored?

Using popen4 instead of popen2 we get stderr too, and there is a traceback:
['a=Traceback (most recent call last):\n', '  File 
"C:\\TEMP\\", line 1,
  in ?\n', '    a=raw_input("a=")\n', 'EOFError: EOF when reading a line\n']

Using "python" as the popen4 argument we get the expected result:

['a=***a= 1\n', 'finished!\n']

(I don't know why)

>p.s.: i working with python 2.3 on win2000.

I used 2.4 on XPSP2.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 


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