Installing java2python (Newbie)

troy.melhase at troy.melhase at
Wed Feb 28 00:27:56 EST 2007

> Hi Jeremy, that's the problem I'm having. Where should I type that "
> python install" ? Once again I'm using Windows system and not
> Unix. Should I move the file to a specific folder under Python 2.5 and
> then type  " python install" in IDLE or Command Line window?
> I get the error "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" with the word "setup"

hi andy,

you want to run the windows command prompt, which is called "cmd.exe"
in windows xp.  press the "start menu", then select "run", then type
"cmd.exe" without the quotes.

a window will pop up that looks black, and it will have a prompt like
"C:\" or "D:\something".  with this window, you need to type several
commands.  the first command is "cd", which changes the working
directory.  you'll want to type the name of the drive and folder where
you extracted the j2py package.  this can be anywhere, and it doesn't
have to be in your python folders.  example:

  C:\> cd D:\temp\java2python-0.2

next, you'll need to run the setup script with python.  you can test
for python at the prompt like this:

  D:\temp\java2python-0.2\> python -V

if you get "Python 2.5", you're ready to run the script.  if you don't
get that, or if you get something along the lines of "command not
found", then you'll have to qualify the command with the full path to
the 2.5 interpreter.  for example:

  D:\temp\java2python-0.2\> C:\Python2.5\python.exe -V

i don't know where you installed python, nor do i remember much about
how the windows installation layout, so you'll have to figure out
these paths on your own.

once you get the "Python 2.5" response, you can install the package.
this is the easy part.  use whatever command you got to reply "Python
2.5", enter it again, along with a space followed by "
install" (again, no quotes).  continuing the example above:

  D:\temp\java2python-0.2\> C:\Python2.5\python.exe install

you should read all of the output closely -- look for errors.  you
might have problems installing the software if you're not an

if you don't have problems, the setup process will have copied a
script named "j2py" somewhere in your system path.  try "j2py --
version", and if everything works, you'll get the reply "j2py 0.2".
once the script is installed, change to the directory of your java
files  (using "cd"), then do something like this, substituting your
file names where appropriate:

  D:\myjavafiles\> j2py -i -o

best of luck to you, and please do let me (or the group) know how
everything works out.

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