multiple inheritance of a dynamic list of classes?

Neil Cerutti horpner at
Tue Feb 13 07:49:29 EST 2007

On 2007-02-13, Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
> Well, what problems ocurring with
> class A: pass
> class B: pass
> class C(A, B): pass
> could be avoided by writing
> class A: pass
> class B(A): pass
> class C(B): pass
> instead? 

With multiple inheritance, the choice of algorithm for Method
Resolution Ordering isn't obvious or trivial. As I understand it,
Python got it wrong for quite some time, allowing "bad"
hierarchies to compile, i.e., classes for which the properties of
local precedence ordering and monotonicity did not hold.


Neil Cerutti

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