Reading Excel using xlrd package in python

Ananthashayana V ananthashayana at
Mon Feb 26 12:50:46 EST 2007

Hi John,

With reference to your reply to kath

I have a small query, my code is as follows

#------- Reading excel----------------------------------

import xlrd
book = xlrd.open_workbook("E:/test.xls")

print "The number of worksheets is", book.nsheets
print "Worksheet name(s):", book.sheet_names()

sh = book.sheet_by_index(0)
for rx in range(sh.nrows):
#    print sh.row(rx)
    val = sh.row(rx)
    print val


Now the results are as follows

[text:u'test1\xa0', text:u'text1', xldate:39066.0, number:1234.1]
[text:u'test2', text:u'text2', xldate:39066.0, number:1234.2]
[text:u'test3\xe9', text:u'text3', xldate:39066.0, number:1234.3]
[text:u'test4\xe9', text:u'text4', xldate:39066.0, number:1234.4]

Now as you can clearly observe, I want to:
1. Remove the additional tags like text, xldate, number.
2. Display date in normal form like dd-mm-yyyy, or dd/mm/yyyy or may be
yyyy-mm-dd .
3. Finally would like remove the spaces and some UNICODE characters, here
its being represented as \xe9 or \xa0

Can you please help me out on this. I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

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